Hosting Minecraft, the best game server for your project

Custom Panel, blazing fast upload and modify plugins, 99% uptime, Anti-DDoS & professional support.

Uptime: %



Play with family & friends

4,99€ / month

Qué incluye:


10Gb  NVME

+5 Slots recommended

1 Clic Instalations

Instant delivery 🔥


Play with all your friends

9,99€ / month

Qué incluye:



+15 Slots recommended

1 Clic Instalations

Instant delivery 🔥


Start creating something amazing

14,99€ / month

Qué incluye:



+25 Slots recommended

1 Clic Instalations

Instant delivery 🔥


For stablished servers!

19,99€ / month

Qué incluye:

16 Gb RAM DDR5

80 Gb NVMe

+60 Slots recommended

1 Clic Instalations

Instant delivery 🔥


For Networks and big communities

29,99€ / month

Qué incluye:

32 Gb RAM DDR5

120 Gb NVMe

+120 Slots recommended

1 Clic Instalations

Instant delivery 🔥

Anti-DDoS is included in every Minecraft Hosting plan

Minecraft Hosting features of Hostealo

Custom management panel to get the most out of your Minecraft server

Visual terminal and resource management

Check your server’s performance visually without the need for an ssh terminal.

In addition, manage your server console from the Hostealo interface itself.

Install all the plugins you need, in just 1 click!

From the Plugins section, you can search, install and manage all the plugins on your server without having to upload your files from FTP.

And also MODS!

Manage your community

Grant permissions, check who has entered your server, ban or unban users, visually and without technical difficulties!

Frequently asked questions about Minecraft Hosting 

What should I consider before purchasing Minecraft Hosting?

Minecraft Hosting is characterized by requiring a high demand for resources (especially RAM memory) when providing service to many users at the same time. Therefore, you must choose based on the size of your server.

Anti-DDoS are included?

Of course! We are the Minecraft Hosting company best prepared for DDoS attacks. We collaborate with to protect ourselves from layer 7 attacks in addition to having our own WAF that protects us from Layer 3 and 4.

Do offer support?

That’s right, in addition to being technicians we are Minecraft fans, hosting more than 230 servers simultaneously, which places us as a benchmark in the sector. We offer support with Plugins, configurations, DNS and DDoS protection.

How is your network infrastructure like?

In our data center we work with a 10GBP/s port on a 100GBP/s line to offer the greatest possible stability.
All our servers include two NICs, one with two SFP+ ports at 10GBP/s and another with 4 Ethernet ports at 1GBP/s.

Depending on your configuration, one or the other will be used; if necessary, a secondary interface can be connected as a «failover».